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Ladies of Wealth are Building Wealth That Changes Lives (tm). This podcast empowers you to dump debt, build wealth, and prosper! More money, less stress! Join us as we journey to elevate our lives in all 5 areas of abundance: Health, Wealth, Spiritual Growth, and Self Expression.  Visit JJ's Homepage Book a free discovery session with JJ HERE Take a free class (with code LIBSYN) HERE SHOP JJ's Ladies of Wealth MERCH HERE

Nov 5, 2024

I never would have thought I'd be receiving 50+ political emails and texts each day - from multiple parties!

I guess that's what I get for being a non-committed independent who can't just pick one party and stick with it.

Seriously, though, I'll be so glad when this election is over for many reasons INCLUDING not having those constant notifications or endless political posts in my social media.

We say that... but our actions imply that we welcome these intrusions.

Why do I say that? Because we train the algorithms how to keep us engaged by what we click, read, hover on. We can ignore our phone for a few minutes (or a few hours). We can keep it moving instead of engaging in heated arguments.

Today is probably going to be a madhouse. No, I'm not prophesying or operating in the Word of Knowledge... I'm simply observing citizens in several locations receiving threats and several states already have the National Guard enacted, in anticipation of problems. See sources in comments of THIS post.

So what can we do to maintain our peace and sanity on such an emotionally charged day? Here are 5 tips:

  1. Watch for messaging designed to get you riled up! This doesn't necessarily mean turn off the news (it might) but pay attention to when your feelings are being manipulated so you can keep your control
  2. Break the mold of constantly watching (what they want to do) be intentional about what news you consume. They're just gonna repeat the same things over and over. Pace yourself and find other, more constructive, things to do with your time
  3. Don't believe everything you see, hear, or think! Misinformation is everywhere. I would never have believed the amount of misinformation posted by rational, educated, people over the last 6 months. Don't let falsehoods live rent free in your mind. If you don't have time to fact-check it, either save it for later or forget it
  4. Remember, your stress doesn't change one bit of this outcome (unless it motivates you to go out there and vote). Once you've voted (or made a decision not to vote), your part is over. If the stress and anxiety get overwhelming, remember that whether your preferred candidate wins or loses, not only is there nothing more you ca do but the long process is, THAKFULLY, a part of democracy
  5. Build in some fun times and calming activities to decompress before bedtime. Maybe watch your favorite funny movie, or play some board games with the fam. Read that book you've been meaning to get to. Clean that tub and take a nice soak.  

And don't forget to check out my silly video about the Poop Emoji and Trump Tiki Art Installations in Washington DC. During today's "Group Coaching" I'll record a podcast episode talking about both of these pieces of "art" and how they prove your voice is never too small to make a difference.

Let's Walk Abundantly,
PS: Women's Wealth Summit will be on Harbor Island of Tampa Florida Tuesday Dec 3. Make sure you're on my speakers, vendors, and authors list if you'd like to be the first to apply for a speaking or vending spot.