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Ladies of Wealth are Building Wealth That Changes Lives (tm). This podcast empowers you to dump debt, build wealth, and prosper! More money, less stress! Join us as we journey to elevate our lives in all 5 areas of abundance: Health, Wealth, Spiritual Growth, and Self Expression.  Visit JJ's Homepage Book a free discovery session with JJ HERE Take a free class (with code LIBSYN) HERE SHOP JJ's Ladies of Wealth MERCH HERE

Jun 12, 2021

Since most of my audience is women, let me ask you: When was the last time you really thought about what a man wants. And I don’t just mean because Father’s day is next weekend. Which, if you didn’t know, you have time to buy a card. You’re welcome. Seriously, though, when it comes to men, have you thought about how you can serve them?


Two announcements: I’m in Episode 3 of Dave Meltzer’s 2-Minute Drill. It’s like a shark-tank for entrepreneurs competing for over $50,000 of cash and prizes. You can catch me July 2nd, on Amazon Prime. Get your free watchparty invite here:

Also, next weekend is Juneteenth, and I have something SPECIAL for you when you sign up for my free Juneteenth event@  I’ll kick off the discussion at 8am CT with Generational Freedom followed by Generational Land Ownership (Creative Financing). We’ll have a panel, and close out with “Another Seat at the Table”