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Ladies of Wealth are on a mission to Build Wealth That Changes Lives (tm). This podcast empowers you to dump debt, build wealth, and prosper! More money, less stress! Join us as we journey to elevate our lives in all 5 areas of abundance: Health, Wealth, Spiritual Growth, and Self Expression.  

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Mar 29, 2021

In this final Mindset Monday of Women’s History Month, JJ completes her book study series of “Zoned In: The Mental Toughness Needed for a World-Class YOU” By Sheryl Kline. Today’s topic is emotions. Emotional control is not the same thing as suppressing emotions or ignoring them. To truly take control of your emotions, you first need to recognize them and then put them in their proper place. You’ll learn how to drop-kick the F-Word that keeps most of us from living to our fullest potential. To learn more about the process of becoming a World-Class YOU, pick up a copy of the book


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